Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition Bloodmoon Island Vault

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Guardian burning bright with Source-ful flame,
Abide the sacred call; Reveal the godsless hall.

The Forgotten and the Damned is a side quest in Divinity: Original Sin 2.


  • 1 Quick walkthrough
  • 2 Detailed walkthrough
    • 2.1 Metalwork
    • 2.2 Delusions of Greatness
    • 2.3 Silent as the Grave
    • 2.4 The Sweet Shackles of Pain
  • 3 Rewards
  • 4 Notes

Quick walkthrough [ ]

  • Enter the Bloodmoon Island and interact with one of the angel statues.
  • Read the book The Taming of the Holy Fire with character that has a "Scholar" tag.
  • Approach one of the statues and sing the song from the book.
  • Complete all the sub-quests:
    • Metalwork
      • Forge levers with Silver Bars and deal with the possesed
    • Delusions of Greatness
      • Kill Rajjarima
    • Silent as the Grave
      • Transport the child to the Lady Vengeance or kill her
    • The Sweet Shackles of Pain
      • Kill the demon that possesed the dwarf

Detailed walkthrough [ ]

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First the godwoken needs to open the entrances to the respective vaults. To do so the godwoken needs a "Scholar" tag and read a book named: The Taming of the Holy Fire.

One of the books can be found in the Archives on the north-eastern side of Bloodmoon Island.

The book is in the pile of books on the right side of the room.

Afterwards the godwoken has to approach atleast one of the three angel statues and sing the hymn described in the book.

Once godwoken entered one of the vaults they will receive a quest associated with the respective vault. If the godwoken are unable to enter the deeper part of the vault they have to find an ancient forge. Once they had found the forge they receive the quest Metalwork.

Metalwork [ ]

Ancient Forge


Odd, old thing, isn't it...


This quest is received after the godwoken finds a forge on the northern side of Bloodmoon Island.(X:317,Y:477)

The godwoken has to find "silver bars" which are scattered throughout the island and forge them into levers. One of the silver bars is right next to the forge.

The levers are essential for entering two of the three vaults.

Delusions of Greatness [ ]

Rajjarima shackled


You must not speak to it! You must not speak to the one who must be chained! It will steal your soul! It will steal your very soul!


The quest is accepted upon entering the vault at Bloodmoon Isle.(X:306,Y:392)

Once the godwoken enter it they have to speak with spirit of brother Robert. The Robert will refuse to speak with them until the godwoken had restored the lever to the door.

Inside the vault is a chained lizard Rajjarima, who is a godwoken as well. When godwoken speaks with her she firstly asks if they could set her free, in exchange for power. If they refuse she asks twice more. If they refuse her again she attempts to hypnotise them and the godwoken has to pass a persuasion check.

  • The persuasion options are: Constitution, Intelligence, Strength and Wits.
  • To pass the persuasion checks the godwoken needs 5 points in Persuasion.

The last option avaliable dialogue option forces godwoken to free Rajjarima who takes all source from the godwoken who freed her. This will also take place if godwoken fails the persuasion check.

The moment Rajjarima breaks free a fight takes place.

The quest can only be completed when Rajjarima dies.

Silent as the Grave [ ]

Possesed child and her cat


Some... some form of demon seized her, and nested inside her mind. She cannot speak or move. We did what we could to help, but we could not risk provoking the beast within...


This sub-quest is accessed by reading a report about the child or accessing her vault. (X:253,Y:394)

Once player accessed her vault they have to persuade the spirit of Morgan, to allow them to go onward, by promising him that they will take her far away from the place and not harm her.

To be able to progress this quest the player must forge a silver lever and persuade a ghost of brother Morgan to be able to proceed deeper into the vault. Once in the vault the player may progress the quest in few ways:

  • Kill the girl and the cat Buttons
  • Persuade the cat Buttons to let godwoken help the child.
    • There are three avaliable persuasion options: Strength, Finesse and Intelligence
  • Should the Godwoken decide to help the child they must destroy the pillars shackling the child.
  • After godwoken breaks the pillars they have to persuade the child to respond to them:
    • There are three persuasion options: Strength, Wits and Memory
  • If the persuasion is succesful the child is transported unto Lady Vengeance lower deck

The Sweet Shackles of Pain [ ]

The possesed dwarf


This demon gluts itself on pain. Only the utmost torture would draw him forth.

This quest is accessed by reading a certain book about a possesed dwarf in the islands vault or by directly accessing the specific vault.

To access the deeper part of the vault the Godwoken has to forge a lever and persuade a spirit of brother Kalvin.

To succesfully exorcise the dwarf the godwoken must damage him. Once on low health a demon will jump out of his body. Upon attacking the demon it will jump into any present character and possess it.

To get rid of possesion the godwoken has to be damaged. It should be noted that the demon may jump unto another character in its vicinity, if this happens the possesed character has to be damaged until the demon jumps out.

Once the demon is dead the quest is completed and the dwarf leaves the vault.

Rewards [ ]

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  • Delusions of Greatness
    • Killing Rajjarima awards 36 100 exp
    • Completing the sub-quest awards 21 675 exp
  • Sweet Shackles of Pain
    • Teleporting the child to Lady Vengeance awards 14 450 exp

Notes [ ]

  • This quest, along with the sub-quests cannot be completed if character does not have Spirit Vision and character with "Scholar" tag.
  • The quest Silent as the Grave in classic edition didn't have any closure because the child remained in the lower part of Lady Vengeance for the rest of the game. This was changed in Definitive version.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 quests
Act I Death Belowdecks - Troubled Waters
Act II A Fate Worse Than Death - Artifacts of the Tyrant - Call to Arms - Finding Emmie - Healing Touch - Most Dangerous When Cornered - Nothing But Child's Play - Signs of Resistance - The Arena of Fort Joy - The Armoury - The Burning Pigs - The Collar - The Cursed Ring - The Escape - The Eternal Worshipper - The Gargoyle's Maze - The Imprisoned Elf - The Murderous Gheist - The Purged Dragon - The Shakedown - The Shriekers - The Teleporter - The Tribe of Saheila - The Vault of Braccus Rex - The Voices - Withermoore's Soul Jar
Act III Lady o' War - To the Hall of Echoes
Act IV A Danger to Herself and Others - A Generous Offer - Aggresive Takeover - A Hunter of Wicked Things - All in the Family - Almira's Request - A Man and His Dog - An Existential Crisis - An Eye for an Eye - A Taste of Freedom - A Trial for All Seasons - A Web of Desire - Bitter Tonic - Burying the Past - Bussiness Rivals - Counting your Chickens - Dark Dealings in the Blackpits - Drowning her Sorrows - Eithne the Trader - Finder's Fee - Heroes' Rest - Hide and Seek - Lost and Found - No Laughing Matter - No Way Out - Old Flames - On the Ropes - Opposites Attract - Popularity Contest - Powerful Awakening - Press-ganged - Red Ink in the Ledger - Saheila's People - Shadow over Driftwood - Shroud of the Voidwoken - Speaking in Forked Tongues - Strange Cargo - Stranger in a Strange Land - The Advocate - The Bark's Bite - The Burning Prophet - The Driftwood Arena - The Elven Seer - The Forgotten and the Damned - The Law of the Order - The Midnight Oil - The Missing Magisters - The Reluctant Servants - The Secrets of Bloodmoon Island - The Snoozing Adventurer - The Ugly Little Bird - They Shall Not Pass - The Wrecked Caravan - Treated like Cattle - Unlikely Lovers - Window of Opportunity - Wishful Thinking
Act V A Familiar Face - An Unlikely Patron - Invaders - Proving Ground - Running like Clockwork - Seeking Revenge - The Academy - The Arena of the One - The Drowned Temple - The Key to Freedom - The Mother Tree - The Nameless Isle - The Sallow Man - The Watcher's Mercy - Unscholarly Pursuits - Up in the Clouds
Act VI A King Reborn - A Lizard Nightmare - A Most Urgent Matter - Deathfog Rising - Doctor's Orders - Finding Lord Arhu - Hammerfall - Mercy is Power - Old Means Gold - Past Mistakes - School's Out - Silence Broken - The Last Stand of the Magisters - The Missing Prisoners - The Vault of Linder Kemm - What a Fuss to have Wrought
Act VII End Times
Origin A Wolf Alone - Crippling a Demon - Hunting the Dreamer - Hunting the Master - Make a Brave Face of It - Prime - Redemption - Running with the Pack - Searching the Shadows - The Fog of War - The Thing Inside

Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition Bloodmoon Island Vault

Source: https://divinity.fandom.com/wiki/The_Forgotten_and_the_Damned


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